Events at Lee Road United Methodist Church
You are ALWAYS welcome & accepted here!!!
Mural Dedication Service
Sunday, March 30, 2025 at 10 AM
Join us outside (weather permitting) in front of the Bridge to dedicate our fantastic new mural completed by local artist Nick Burns (aka "Ninja Picasso").
Wonderful Wednesdays
Children's Program 5 PM
Supper 6 PM (Kids & first time visitors eat free)
Adult Bible Study 6:30 PM
Holy Thursday Service
Thursday, April 17 at 6:30 PM
Join us for our Maundy Thursday service with Holy Communion and foot washing (optional) afterwards. Special guests: St. Matthew UMC - Taylors
Good Friday Service
Friday, April 18 at 12 Noon
Join us for a COMBINED SERVICE at St. Matthew UMC Taylors (2507 Rutherford Rd)
Easter Services
Sunday, April 20
7:00 AM Sunrise Service (at yard cross)
7:30 AM Breakfast in Social Hall
10:00 AM Contemporary Service (The Bridge)
11:00 AM Traditional Service (Sanctuary) with
Holy Baptism of Josiah Turner